Geocaching API Documentation
The Geocaching API is designed to give developers access to data and enhance the geocaching community experience. The API uses a RESTful approach and json data to make consuming the service simple and familiar. Partners who are accepted into the API program will receive a test and live token. The test token will allow our partners to play with the API without affecting live data. Once comfortable moving forward to live data, you may request a live token. You will need to provide access to your application to Geocaching HQ so that we may review it before receiving a live token.
As an API partner:
We hope you create an application that is useful, inspiring and benefits the geocaching community.
You may not create an application that merely replicates or competes with the Geocaching HQ core services.
You must respect geocaching users and their privacy choices.
You must comply with Geocaching HQ’s Branding Guidelines and use the provided Geocaching logos and links where you use Geocaching HQ data and services in your application.
Your application must comply with the Geocaching API Agreement, Geocaching Service Terms, your privacy policy and all applicable laws.
Membership Restrictions
To act in accordance with our Geocaching API Agreement, there are certain restrictions you must be include for Basic Members.
Basic Members on should only be offered an introductory experience and therefore be limited to three traditional or event caches per day with a maximum D/T rating of 1.5/1.5.
Basic Members should not be able to link to pages for full cache data after they’ve found three geocaches for that day.
Once three caches have been found in a day by Basic Members, the following text must be displayed when the user searches for cache details on additional caches:
“Upgrade to Premium Membership today for as little at $2.50 per month to download the full details for up to 6000 caches per day, view all cache types in your area, and access many more benefits. Visit to upgrade."
Basic Members should not be able to access Premium Member features including Premium Member only geocaches, list functionality, etc. See a full list of Premium Member features at this link.